The Relic (A King of The Caves Adventure Story)
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The Treasure of Capric (The King of The Caves Book 1)
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Siren Silence: The Fate of Cpt. Bacchus (A King of The Caves Novella)
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The King of The Caves

Brandon Wilborn

About Me

Brandon Wilborn is a man with too many interests, and one great love. No, three great loves. Well, five. So far. But for the purposes here, he has one great love, and that is science fiction and fantasy. He first fell in love with the fantastical and mythical while playing The Legend of Zelda and watching an old cartoon of The Hobbit when he was four years old. That eventually led him to dream of writing. His love of science fiction and fantasy, along with an education in English and Theological Studies, inspired him to create stories that are full of epic adventure while grappling with deeper questions of life, faith, and our role in the drama of good and evil. He has now authored The Treasure of Capric, his first novel and book one of The King of the Caves series, along with a follow-up novella, Siren Silence. He intends to publish the second book of the series later in 2023. After a wandering youth in a Navy family, growing up primarily in Hawaii, and then wandering a bit more, he has now found a happy home with three of his great loves in Idaho. Find more of his stories and the latest release information for book two of The King of the Caves at